Our next meeting will be on the 2nd Tuesday in August, which will be Tuesday, August 14, 2018. Meeting will be at 6:00pm in the Ceremonial Courtroom, also known as Courtroom #4, located on the second floor of the old Kanawha County Courthouse (409 Virginia St. E., Charleston, WV). The Kanawha Boulevard entrance will be open for full handicap accessibility. Free parking will be provided on the courthouse employee parking lot adjoining the courthouse at the corner of Virginia and Goshorn St. (on Goshorn St., left side of street).
Poll workers are due at the August 14th meeting. Please be sure to call your poll workers to verify they are able to work on election-day and verify they are still registered members of the Democratic Party. Complete your green sheets and turn them in to the Secretary at the August 14th meeting or mail them to the Chairwoman. W.Va. Code ยง3-1-30 requires the Chairperson or Secretary of the Committee to file the poll workers with the Kanawha County Commission.