May & June Meetings

There will be a Regular Meeting of the KCDEC on Tuesday, May 9, 2023 at 6:00pm.
Location: Courtroom #4, Old Kanawha County Courthouse, 2nd Floor, 409 Virginia St., E., Charleston, WV 25301. Free Parking on the Courthouse Parking Lot at Corner of Goshorn and Virginia St., enter lot from Goshorn Street. This is an in-person meeting.

There will be a Regular Meeting of the KCDEC on Tuesday, June 13, 2023 at the Main Branch of the Kanawha County Public Library located at 123 Capitol St., Charleston, WV 25301, in the Greater Kanawha Valley Foundation Meeting Room – Main 311C. This is to serve as notice that At the June Meeting we will be placing the most recent vacancies on the agenda (2G Male, 2G Female, 3C Male, 3G Female, 3I Male, 7th Senatorial Male and Female, 17th Senatorial Male and Female, as well as any of the vacancies previously announced and discussed) and possibly discussing and considering additional bylaws revisions should the Rules, Bylaws, Policies and Resolutions Committee Complete their work in time.

May Meeting

There will be a Regular Meeting of the KCDEC on Tuesday, May 9, 2023 at 6:00pm.
Location: Courtroom #4, Old Kanawha County Courthouse, 2nd Floor, 409 Virginia St., E., Charleston, WV 25301. Free Parking on the Courthouse Parking Lot at Corner of Goshorn and Virginia St., enter lot from Goshorn Street. This is an in-person meeting.