Bylaws Amendment


At a previous meeting held on October 14, 2014 the Rules, Bylaws, Policies and Resolutions committee (Rules & Bylaws) took up for consideration an amendment to the bylaws of the Kanawha County Democratic Executive Committee.  The Rules & Bylaws committee Chair Virginia Moles presented this amendment during her committee report to the full Kanawha County Democratic Executive Committee on October 14, 2014 at the Kanawha County Courthouse in Charleston.

Attached to this page in PDF format is a copy of the proposed amendment. This amendment could be placed on the agenda by the Chair at the November 2014 meeting, or at a future meeting.

2014 Kanawha County Democrat Rally

The 2014 Kanawha County Democrat Rally will be held on Saturday, October 25, 2014 from Noon until 2:00pm at the Teamsters Local 175 located at 267 Staunton Avenue SW, South Charleston, WV 25303.

Free Food, Music and Fun!!  Bring the Kids!  Bring the Family!

Enjoy Lunch and hear from your Democratic Candidates!  Join us for this fun, filled, old fashioned Democratic Rally!



Meeting: October 14, 2014

Official notice has already been mailed by US Postal Mail and by e-mail, but this post is also to serve as notice that the Kanawha County Democratic Executive Committee will hold a meeting on Tuesday, October 14, 2014 at 6:00pm in the Ceremonial Courtroom, also known as Courtroom #4, located on the second floor of the old Kanawha County Courthouse (409 Virginia St. E., Charleston, WV). The Kanawha Boulevard entrance will be open for full handicap accessibility. Free parking will be provided on the parking lot adjoining the courthouse at Goshorn St.
It is important that each and every member attend this meeting. If you cannot
attend the meeting, please send a proxy. We will be discussing any new business that
might come before the committee.  This is our last meeting before the General Election and will also be our official Meet the Democratic Candidates night.