September Regular Meeting

There will be a Regular Meeting of the KCDEC at 6:00pm on Tuesday, September 12, 2023 at the Main Branch of the Kanawha County Public Library located at 123 Capitol St., Charleston, WV 25301, in conference room 308/309.

**AGENDA MODIFICATION** Updated 9/8/2023

Delegate Doug Skaff has resigned from the WV House of Delegates.
Pursuant to W.Va. Code §3-10-5 – Vacancies in the State Legislature are filled by the Governor from a list of 3 names provided by the Party Executive Committee.

The 8th Order of Business: New Business will be modified at the Tuesday, September 12, 2023 meeting. The modified 8th Order of Business will read:

8. To receive and act upon any new business
— Specific Business Includes a Discussion Concerning the Resignation of Delegate Doug Skaff and Submitting 3 Names to the Governor to Fill Said Vacancy.

This is a duly noticed regular meeting of the KCDEC and the unexpected resignation and short time-frame in which to act according to statute necessitates this modification of the agenda.